Marines serve in western Iraq

28 Nov 2005 | Cpl. Ruben D. Maestre 2nd Marine Division

Marine combat units are front and center fighting Islamic terrorism worldwide since Sept. 11. The fight continues in Iraq since the spring of 2003 as Coalition Forces battle the enemy in what is considered by many to be the most dangerous province, Al Anbar.

Located west of Baghdad, the province encompasses the restive cities of Fallujah, Ramadi, Haditha and Husaybah. The majority of the population follows along the Euphrates River up to the Syrian border. While most of the population desires to carry on with their daily lives, some within the Sunni-dominated province are disenchanted, privileged members of the former Saddam Hussein-era regime and others carry the banner of terror against the West for Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The following is a four-part series about one unit of Marines who took the fight on the ground to the insurgency each day in western Iraq.