CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. -- CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - Honor, courage, and commitment are timeless values that ensure every battle Marines face meets the needs of the Marine Corps’ moral cause. Our core values set us apart from others and give Marines a reason to push past their limits. It allows Marines to always strive for the next level and continue to become more cohesive and versatile units.
The Lieutenant General “Chesty” Puller Award is presented to three units that have sustained superior performance and are committed to maintaining esprit de corps. These units represent the holistic picture of what it means to be combat-ready. Throughout 2022, 2d Battalion, 6th Marines lived up to the high standards for the unit "Chesty" Puller Award.
“My philosophy for this award is to personally recognize units within II MEF that have demonstrated superior performance in all areas,” said Lt. Gen. David Ottignon, commanding general of II MEF. “Specifically, I want to recognize and reward unit commanders who continuously evaluate and emphasize unit readiness and create a positive command climate.”
2d Battalion, 6th Marines has shown balance and excellence in various areas. They have endured intensive training and maintained a high state of combat readiness. They look at the bigger picture. They have let their Marines know they are valuable and make things possible. The command sets strict guidelines to set their Marines up for success and reassure them that they are necessary for their success.
“This award is a direct reflection of a unit that has demonstrated superior performance in combat readiness, leadership, and esprit de corps,” said Maj. Gen. Calvert Worth, commanding general of 2d Marine Division. “2d Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment has exceeded expectations for unit readiness and fostered a positive command climate by developing disciplined leaders who live by the high standards the corps expects from its Marines.”
2d Battalion, 6th Marines obtained high retention rates and accomplished 206% of their First Term Alignment Plan retention goal and 110% of their Subsequent Term Alignment Plan retention goal.
2d Battalion, 6th Marine’s award citation stated that they completed nine security cooperation exercises that significantly contributed to Marine Corps, partner, and NATO interoperability. Over the course of a six-month deployment, the 1200 Marine and Sailor forces directly contributed to strengthening relationships on a world scale. They reassured allies and partners across Europe that the United States remained committed even during turbulent times.
They created a foundation built from trust and cohesion to have total investment from their Marines. The well-oiled machine they made has allowed them to successfully conduct their mission and create resiliency and a notable reputation. These efforts shaped a top-tier warfighting unit that proved its capabilities and was willing to withstand the difficulties of an intense training program and deployment as the ground combat element of the 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit.