Photo Information

AR RAMADI, Iraq (September 25, 2005) -- A Marine from Company L, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment and a member of the local Iraqi Security Force work together to go through documents during a raid to capture three men suspected of attacking Marine forces working the area. The raid ended with the capture of three suspects. Photo by Cpl. Shane Suzuki.

Photo by Cpl. Shane Suzuki

3/7 Marines and ISF plan, execute raid

25 Sep 2005 | Cpl. Shane Suzuki 2nd Marine Division

Marines from 1st and 3rd Squads, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment and members from the local Iraqi Security Forces recently participated in a raid to capture four men suspected of attacking Coalition Forces during the previous month. The targeted house was located at the end of a large field and surrounded on the each side by rows of houses and storefronts. To complete the mission, the Coalition Forces were dropped off at the south end of the field and sprinted across approximately 300 yards of open ground to the home.“Tonight’s mission was a joint operation between the Americans and Iraqis to raid and capture a suspected insurgent,” said 2nd Lt. Walter Larisey, , 1st platoon commander for Company L. Despite intelligence warnings about possible insurgent activity in the surrounding neighborhoods, no counter-ambush occurred during the approach to the house. Once the area was blocked off, members of both the ISF and Company L moved into the house to detain the suspects. Once inside, the ISF calmed the residents of the home and searched through documents looking for anything incriminating. “I think it went well,” said Capt. Rory Quinn, commanding officer of Company L. “We had the ISF with us, which always creates an element of friction because of the language barrier. However, having them along provides a tremendous benefit when we’re in the house.“Being able to plan, execute and successfully extract from the mission despite the language barrier was difficult, but we pulled it off.”Although it adds another layer of complexity to a mission already made difficult by the darkness, working with the ISF is a priority for Quinn and his company. According to Quinn, they try to incorporate the ISF into missions at least once a week and are working on plans to increase that number.“(Working with the ISF) happens as much as you make it happen,” said Quinn. “We try to do it every other mission, sometimes more sometimes less. But the plain fact is the better they get, the less often we will come back to their country.”Once back at base, the Marines and ISF debriefed each other to find out what they can do better to both prepare the ISF for missions as well as anticipate potential problem areas for future missions. After the debrief, Quinn commented on how well he thought the mission went.“It was a definite success,” he said. “We detained three individuals; two of them had a pretty fair resemblance to who we were looking for. Add to that the use of the ISF and their increasing abilities, I think tonight went very well.”