
Tag: battalion

Marines and sailors with 1st Battalion, 10 Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division use pack mules to transport their food, water and ammunition in the rugged terrain of Toiyabe National Forest, Calif., while participating in Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training from Aug. 14 through Sept. 14, 2013. Because of the high elevations where the training took place the Marine couldn’t depend on helicopter support for resupply. Similarly, the rugged terrain prevented trucks and other motorized vehicles from conducting resupply missions, so the service members relied the animals to transport there equipment and supplies. - Marines and sailors with 1st Battalion, 10 Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division use pack mules to transport their food, water and ammunition in the rugged terrain of Toiyabe National Forest, Calif., while participating in Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training from Aug. 14 through Sept. 14, 2013. Because of the high elevations where the training took place the Marine couldn’t depend on helicopter support for resupply. Similarly, the rugged terrain prevented trucks and other motorized vehicles from conducting resupply missions, so the service members relied the animals to transport there equipment and supplies.


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