

Jan 18, 2005

AR RAMADI, Iraq (March 18, 2005) - Twenty-six-year-old Sgt. Gary L. Laws, squad leader, 1st squad, 1st Platoon, Company A, of Huntsville, Texas, motions for his Marines to enter the building and head to the roof. His squad's mission is to reach the rooftop and serve as lookouts for other Marines patrolling the streets below. Marines with Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment patrolled through the busy marketplace here in an effort to become more familiar with their area of operations and make their presents know to the local populace. The Marines also searched several building and a nearby mosque for weapons caches and insurgents. The three-hour patrol ended with the Marine returning empty handed to their base camp at Hurricane Point. Photo by Cpl. Tom Sloan

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