U.S. Marine Corps photo by Unknown/Released 050616-m-0245s-006.jpg
Dec 4, 2009
AR RAMADI Iraq (June 17, 2005) - Lance Cpl. Ben A. Lively, a rifleman and team leader with 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, inspects a strip a film, which he found in a building during a search mission in the city here, for insurgent propaganda. The 20-year-old from Austin, Texas, and his fellow 2nd and 3rd Platoon, Company A warriors' were conducting a search mission when they were called on to provide security for a platoon of Company C Marines who hit an IED. The Marines set up lookouts on rooftops a few hundred yards from the attack seen. They remained in their surveillance positions for more than two hours. Photo by: Cpl. Tom Sloan
No camera details available.
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